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World-famous Academic Venues
World-famous Academic Venues
Hotels and Unique Properties in Cambridge and Beyond
Hotels and Unique Properties in Cambridge and Beyond
Acres of Gardens and Green Space
Historic Streets Full of Charm


We are the experts and we're here to help you deliver an exceptional event experience. We offer a suite of bureau services and a single point of contact for an incredible portfolio of venues at the University of Cambridge, the Cambridge Colleges, hotels and other wonderful, unique properties in the city and beyond.

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"I would like to thank you for your really exceptional service. What you do is terrifically helpful; the responses I received from Colleges and hotels were marvellous. There is no doubt that, should I consider an event in Cambridge in the future, I will come straight to you first." Julia Stout, 90th Birthday Party

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Robinson College

Robinson College provides a unique environment for national and international conferences.From the outset, Robinson College was planned with the needs of conferences very much in mind. Set in several acres of attractive wooded gardens yet only a few minutes' walk from the city centre and the famous "Backs", the College building is architecturally striking an...

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About Cambridge

Cambridge is one of the best small cities in the UK, just 60 miles north of London. It's home to the world-famous University of Cambridge, its Colleges, stunning architecture, superb venues, a vibrant cultural scene and acres of green space. Cambridge has been at the centre of world-changing discoveries for centuries. Today it boasts two universities and a progressive and diverse industry landscape. The city is an important centre of enterprise, leading the way in innovation, research, science and technology.

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